Necessary documents

1. A copy of the birth certificate of the child;
2. A health preventive card completed by the child's GP;
3. One negative result of a study of pathogenic bacteria (shigellai, salmonella, escherichia coli) and intestinal parasites carried out not earlier than 15 days prior to the arrival of the child in the crèche;
4. Blood and urine tests carried out within one month prior to the arrival of the child in the nursery;
5. Negative Wesermann negative study for one of the parents carried out within 6 months prior to the arrival of the child in the nursery;
6. Information from the GP for the immunization status of the child according to the requirements of Ordinance No. 15 of 2005 on immunizations in the Republic of Bulgaria (SG, issue 45 of 2005);
7. A medical note for lack of contact with an infected patient, issued by the child's GP;
8. Children who have not undergone compulsory immunizations for age may be admitted to a crèche when there are persistent contraindications for immunization and are released with a protocol by RIPCPH
Required items

For every day required items / season /

1. Bodies or jerseys - 3 pcs.
2. Blouses - 2/3 pcs.
3. Pants / antsung / studs - 2/3 pcs (without jeans, overalls and bulky dresses with veils)
4. Clogs when no diapers are used - 4/5 pcs.
5. Socks, hosiery - 2/3 pcs.
6. Pajamas 2 pieces
7. Slippers
8. Diapers with a patch
9. Wet wipes - 2 pcs. large packages per month
10. Anti-Cinderella Cream
11. Antipyretic (syrup at temperature) - new
12. Bottle / glass for water


Children of 10 months of age are enrolled in the nursery. We have two groups, with the main entry of the new set in the second half of May to fill the seats. During the rest of the year, children are accepted if there is a vacancy.

The visit of the new children starts in stages from the second week of June to the end of October. To begin with, families choose a week from this period, and for the last ones, the choices are few.

We have a list of families waiting for place. If you wish to subscribe to it, the following data will be sent by e-mail - two parent names, a contact phone number, a small child's name, a month and a year of birth. We make on-site visits for viewing and signing up, in case of availability, with an agreed day and time. If there are saved waiting families, we invite them first.